Sunday 5 May 2013


So this isn't a very interesting post (there is one on it's way, I promise!) but it's definitely pretty important!

As I'm sure you know, Google Reader and Google Friend Connect are being shut down in the near future. For this reason I'm setting my blog up in conjunction with Bloglovin' so if you'd like to follow me (and I'd really love it if you did!) then please click the link below and it will direct you! I also have a button you can use on the right hand side.

>>>Follow my blog with Bloglovin<<<<

Chem x


  1. Hey lovely, not sure if you remember me but we met briefly at the impact shoot! have followed you on bloglovin' and looking forward to future posts! :)

    B xx

    1. Hey, yeah I remember, thanks so much for finding my blog! Aw thanks for following, I reall appreciate it. It's been very quiet on my blog due to finishing Uni but will be getting back into now! I will definitely head over to your blog and have a look :) Hope you're all good! xx
